Lovely Memories

Created by Carolynlowerson2002 2 years ago
Lovely memories of staying with Uncle Alan , always had a story and a witty comment to entertain us.He didnt put up with any pretensions and had a get on with it attitude to himself and us. We loved the feeling of freedom there and being able to ride round the garden on the motorbikes - no health and safety then! Also holidays in Norfolk at Grandma and Grandad's where the sun always seem to shine and the sky was always blue! When I got married Dad stood on a bridge over the pool to make his speech. There was a plastic duck in the pool and Uncle Alan did the video with commentary looking though it was coming from the duck - so typical!  Particularly moved by him coming to see his brother Bill, our Dad, when Dad was in his last days. Dad was slipping away but sure he knew Alan was there. Can imagine them getting together again now and saying 'What was all that about then our youf?'   I know it is customary to say rest in peace but I sincerely hope that he and Dad are sitting on the sand dunes at Scratby laughing and joking.
